Unciv 4.10.4

for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro

Hi, here we provide you APK file for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro of "Unciv" apk file version: 4.10.4 to download and install for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro. It's easy and warranty.
  • Version: 4.10.4
    Version Code: 963
    Package: com.unciv.app
  • 22.36 MB (23,448,873 bytes)
  • Android 5.0+
  • ARM8 ARM7 x86_64 x86
  • file hash (MD5):
  • file signature (SHA1):
  • Permissions (6)
  • Uploaded 2024/31/01
    by Yair Morgenstern
  • Warning detected: in quene...
  • Strategy
  • GooglePlay
Whats new in Unciv 4.11.12 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
By tuvus:
- More espionage UI improvements
- City state election rigging

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Fix 'Move a unit' tutorial isn't completed by moving via right-click
- Fix 'Translating' wiki link

Added the culture-refunding remove policy unique - By PLynx01

Corrected Coast yields to give 1 Food and 1 Gold - By Skekdog
Whats new in Unciv 4.11.11 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Nuclear weapon uniques accept conditionals

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Console:
- Resource Overview: Info on unavailable strategic and unimproved by allies
- Spy UI improvements
- Fix potential crash in console autocomplete
Whats new in Unciv 4.11.10 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
By tuvus:
- Add missing espionage uniques
- Next turn button shows move spies notification icon
- Added diplomatic repercussions for spying on a civ
- Spy rank UI and fixes
- Fixed city-state alliance join war notification

Better 'hidden in civilopedia' logic - By SomeTroglodyte

Added victoryType conditionals - By PLynx01
Whats new in Unciv 4.11.9 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Added 'checkfilter' console commands for city, tile, and unit, for easy mod checking

Unit movement changes - should solve some edge-case problems

'Adjacent unit' conditional takes civilians into account

Better UX for multiplayer game add & rename

Fixed 'Open terrain' filter

Better 'escort settler' logic

Automation fixes - By tuvus
Whats new in Unciv 4.11.8 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Added 'checkfilter' console commands for city, tile, and unit, for easy mod checking

Unit movement changes - should solve some edge-case problems

'Adjacent unit' conditional takes civilians into account

Better UX for multiplayer game add & rename

Fixed 'Open terrain' filter

Better 'escort settler' logic

Automation fixes - By tuvus
Whats new in Unciv 4.11.7-patch1 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Added 'checkfilter' console commands for city, tile, and unit, for easy mod checking

Unit movement changes - should solve some edge-case problems

'Adjacent unit' conditional takes civilians into account

Better UX for multiplayer game add & rename

Fixed 'Open terrain' filter

Better 'escort settler' logic

Automation fixes - By tuvus
Whats new in Unciv 4.11.7 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Military unit capturing respects 'Uncapturable' unique

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Do not preselect custom map option and defer map file loading
- Prettier Events - that now respect 'hidden from users'

Fix Puppets building wonders - By SeventhM
Whats new in Unciv 4.11.6 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Military unit capturing respects 'Uncapturable' unique

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Do not preselect custom map option and defer map file loading
- Prettier Events - that now respect 'hidden from users'

Fix Puppets building wonders - By SeventhM
Whats new in Unciv 4.11.4 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Performance improvements

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Improve diplomatic vote result screen

By tuvus:
- Water units can enter lakes-near-cities
- Workboats improve resources outside of city work range

By SeventhM:
- Allow AI to consider building stats more accurately
- Allow for replacement improvements

Add configurable natural wonder discovery stat bonuses - By PLynx01
Whats new in Unciv 4.11.1 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Performance improvements

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Improve diplomatic vote result screen

By tuvus:
- Water units can enter lakes-near-cities
- Workboats improve resources outside of city work range

By SeventhM:
- Allow AI to consider building stats more accurately
- Allow for replacement improvements

Add configurable natural wonder discovery stat bonuses - By PLynx01
Whats new in Unciv 4.10.22 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Policy tables no longer repeat on some height/width configurations

Discard all pending trade requests on both sides when war is declared

Memory performance improvements

Personalities.json no longer precludes generating translations

Fix loop when AI is trying to remove an improvement with the same name as a terrain feature - By SeventhM

Fixed uniques of marble - By woo1127
Whats new in Unciv 4.10.21 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Modded units can construct improvements on impassible tiles

By woo1127:
- Added multi filter support for BuildingFilter
- Fixed error message of ConditionalBuilding

Better tundra color - By Caballero-Arepa

Allow improvements that don't need feature removal to be built on features - By SeventhM
Whats new in Unciv 4.10.20 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Modded units can construct improvements on impassible tiles

By woo1127:
- Added multi filter support for BuildingFilter
- Fixed error message of ConditionalBuilding

Better tundra color - By Caballero-Arepa

Allow improvements that don't need feature removal to be built on features - By SeventhM
Whats new in Unciv 4.10.19 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Fixed group natural wonders only spawning in single tile

Fixed crash entering trade from overview on other player's turn

Fix visual bug in event when more than one trigger is activated by a choice

Workers cannot repair improvements in enemy territory, thus avoiding repair-pillage exploit

Modding: Zero-cost constructions no longer cause automation crash

Melee Escort Attacking Fix - By tuvus

New UnitActionModifiers to enable Stats and Minimum Movement - By itanasi
Whats new in Unciv 4.10.18 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Performance improvements!

Religious victory no longer causes crash

Worker automation takes city focus and civ personality into account evaluating stats

Free buildings granted properly when era-free cities also granted

'Connect road' unit action doesn't build on unbuildable tiles

Allow resources from follower beliefs - By SeventhM

Add 'upon entering a new era' trigger - By PLynx01

CanOnlyBeBuilt is its own conditional-friendly unique - By itanasi
Whats new in Unciv 4.10.17-patch1 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Performance improvements!

Religious victory no longer causes crash

Worker automation takes city focus and civ personality into account evaluating stats

Free buildings granted properly when era-free cities also granted

'Connect road' unit action doesn't build on unbuildable tiles

Allow resources from follower beliefs - By SeventhM

Add 'upon entering a new era' trigger - By PLynx01

CanOnlyBeBuilt is its own conditional-friendly unique - By itanasi
Whats new in Unciv 4.10.16 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Allow multifilter uniques to count for filtering

By tuvus:
- Skip next unit button (right-click option)
- Better Unit Actions Sorting

By SomeTroglodyte:
- City filters for cities in resistance and being razed
- Competition quests in progress display tied leaders (and your place if you're behind)

AI consider production bonuses when building - By SeventhM

Added ConditionalWhenBetweenStatResource unique - By woo1127 (new contributor!)
Whats new in Unciv 4.10.15 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Changed tech trigger to accept tech filters

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Improve DiplomacyScreen UX (nation icons) on cramped screens
- Move DiplomacyScreen close button to top right
- Validation warning Suppression as Unique or modifier
- UI: Fix options popup 'spilling' in cramped screen conditions

Allow city state uniques for nation descriptions - By SeventhM

Add MovedToNewCapital buiding unique - By PLynx01

Better military unit retreat - By tuvus
Whats new in Unciv 4.10.12 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Terraform unique triggerable from improvements

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Right-click/longpress for World screen city buttons
- Fix some uses of 'hidden from users' modifer
- Fix fortified units upgraded to unfortifyable ones keeping fortification
- Empire Overview Screen closing now with same UX as Civilopedia

Added unit escorting formation! - By tuvus

Allow conditional timed triggers for unit actions &c - By SeventhM

Allow Barbarians to make set-up ranged units - By SpacedOutChicken
Whats new in Unciv 4.10.7 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Allow city filters to be multifilters and not throw ruleset errors

Korean science boost only applies for buildings *in capital*

By SeventhM:
- Avoid crash from city combantants with combatant conditional
- Split Strat Balance and Legend Start into their own checkboxes

ThreatManager improvement - By tuvus
Whats new in Unciv 4.10.5 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Fixed crash due to ranged unit trying to capture civilian but being unable to reach the tile

Added unit conditional support to pillage yield uniques

Policy picker colors are moddable - By SomeTroglodyte

Players can't move spies when it is not their turn - By tuvus
Whats new in Unciv 4.10.4 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
- New tileFilter , for tiles belonging directly to you
- Mods can use the Hills and mountains distribution uniques on Land or Feature terrains

By SomeTroglodyte:
- World screen resize delayed
- Unit actions dynamic paging
- Minor Mod manager fix, lints and dox

By tuvus:
- Workers now build forts
- Worker automation option fix
- Ranged units capture civilian
- Spectators can now see selected civ city-state influence bars

Unify unit and civ triggers - By SeventhM
Whats new in Unciv 4.10.3-patch1 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
- New tileFilter , for tiles belonging directly to you
- Mods can use the Hills and mountains distribution uniques on Land or Feature terrains

By SomeTroglodyte:
- World screen resize delayed
- Unit actions dynamic paging
- Minor Mod manager fix, lints and dox

By tuvus:
- Workers now build forts
- Worker automation option fix
- Ranged units capture civilian
- Spectators can now see selected civ city-state influence bars

Unify unit and civ triggers - By SeventhM
Whats new in Unciv 4.9.18 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Performance improvements for movement and ruleset validation

Added unique MayBuyConstructionsInPuppets - By rpolitex

Polynesia can immediately embark on turn zero - By SeventhM

Fix NullPointerException on founding a pantheon - By dHannasch

Fixed AutoPlay not working after victory - By tuvus
Whats new in Unciv 4.9.17-patch2 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Performance improvements for movement and ruleset validation

Added unique MayBuyConstructionsInPuppets - By rpolitex

Polynesia can immediately embark on turn zero - By SeventhM

Fix NullPointerException on founding a pantheon - By dHannasch

Fixed AutoPlay not working after victory - By tuvus
Whats new in Unciv 4.9.15 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Fixed Scenario crashes

Updating server URL allows checking connection immediately

New Citizen Focus Options - by Itanasi

By tuvus:
- Worker AI short distance priority fix
- AI focuses city-state gold gifting

By SeventhM:
- Spawn multiple great people if eligible
- Initial Great Writer functionality
Whats new in Unciv 4.9.14 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Fixed Scenario crashes

Updating server URL allows checking connection immediately

New Citizen Focus Options - by Itanasi

By tuvus:
- Worker AI short distance priority fix
- AI focuses city-state gold gifting

By SeventhM:
- Spawn multiple great people if eligible
- Initial Great Writer functionality
Whats new in Unciv 4.9.12 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Religion button respects unique 'hidden from users' modifier

Trigger 'capture city' as a unit trigger

By tuvus:
- Worker AI Rework
- AI doesn't counteroffer and request a treaty on the same turn
- Civs now have a 50% chance of picking their favored religion

By SeventhM:
- Fix stat on tile uniques doubling on improvement tiles
- Avoid crash if 'Only available' unique in policy branch has 2 or more params
- Allow for improvement removal 'improvements'

Randomize seed checkbox - By remdu
Whats new in Unciv 4.9.10-patch1 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Religion button respects unique 'hidden from users' modifier

Trigger 'capture city' as a unit trigger

By tuvus:
- Worker AI Rework
- AI doesn't counteroffer and request a treaty on the same turn
- Civs now have a 50% chance of picking their favored religion

By SeventhM:
- Fix stat on tile uniques doubling on improvement tiles
- Avoid crash if 'Only available' unique in policy branch has 2 or more params
- Allow for improvement removal 'improvements'

Randomize seed checkbox - By remdu
Whats new in Unciv 4.9.6 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Connect roads automation - By willjallen

Fix not getting unique unit from tile based free unit trigger - By SeventhM

By Ouaz:
- Fix Carthage civilopedia article
- Add 'UI tips' civilopedia article
Whats new in Unciv 4.9.5 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Connect roads automation - By willjallen

Fix not getting unique unit from tile based free unit trigger - By SeventhM

By Ouaz:
- Fix Carthage civilopedia article
- Add 'UI tips' civilopedia article
Whats new in Unciv 4.8.15 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
By tuvus:
- AI units swap-retreat
- Melee units are now more likely to attack cities
- Nukes AI tweaks
- AI values traded gold using inflation

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Tighten Ruleset validation for Terrain
- Automated units stay automated after upgrade
- Fix Mod checker crash on RekMod
- Account for badly-defined Android font
- City overview refreshes for changes done in city

? add tests for city population manager - By Framonti

Fix [stats] unique adding multiple times - By SeventhM
Whats new in Unciv 4.8.12 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Automated units can fortify/set up/other actions

AI now uses free tech points - By tuvus

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Align ruleset icons in text to font metrics
Whats new in Unciv 4.8.8 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
- Faster ruleset validation
- Faster ruleset loading

modding: Added json schemas for autocomplete and error detection

By tuvus:
- AI Open Borders Offer fix
- Fix Nuke Notification

Fix City construction context menu changing Puppets - By SomeTroglodyte
Whats new in Unciv 4.8.5 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Removed double notifications and processing of treaties when traded - By tuvus

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Global Constructions Blacklist
- Prevent selling free buildings
- Defense against Circular upgrade paths in mods

Modding: 'Receive free [unit] when you discover [tech]' deprecation start - replaced 'Free [unit] appears '
Whats new in Unciv 4.8.3 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Allow unique parameters to contain square brackets

Library updates for performance and stability

Targetting refactor - By Framonti
Whats new in Unciv 4.8.2 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
performance: Don't autoupdate stale multiplayer games (more than a week old)

Buildings missing from ruleset are removed from loaded games *properly*

By SomeTroglodyte:

- Fix Map Editor double map holders after ruleset change
- Improve does this unit found cities check
- Fix Gdx not forced to UTF-8 when saving a game

Defensive pact notification fix - By tuvus
Whats new in Unciv 4.7.17-patch1 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Undo button in Multiplayer no longer changes 'next turn' button

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Fix minimum votes needed for a diplomatic victory
- Mods can add Victory illustrations

Add setting for unit upgrades for automated units - By jlmcdonnell

By huckdogg:
- Visual indicator for building outside workable tiles
- ImprovementPicker screen displays tile owner civ and city

General Starting locations in map editor - By tuvus

Fix City-States giving untradeable resources - By SeventhM
Whats new in Unciv 4.7.16 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Undo button in Multiplayer no longer changes 'next turn' button

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Fix minimum votes needed for a diplomatic victory
- Mods can add Victory illustrations

Add setting for unit upgrades for automated units - By jlmcdonnell

By huckdogg:
- Visual indicator for building outside workable tiles
- ImprovementPicker screen displays tile owner civ and city

General Starting locations in map editor - By tuvus

Fix City-States giving untradeable resources - By SeventhM
Whats new in Unciv 4.7.13 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Improvement improvements!

- More accurate improvement stat previews for edge cases (e.g. removing Forest on Forest + Lumber Mill)
- 'Create improvement' uniques can create roads and remove features

Set initial screen color on Desktop so it's not black-to-blue

Fixed rare AI City State Influence crash

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Ruleset validator: Tilesets
- Minor Mod Manager fixes (mods having dashes in their repo name not shown right away)
Whats new in Unciv 4.7.11 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
By SomeTroglodyte:
- Civilopedia shows origin mod for objects
- Key shortcuts for CityScreen
- Nukes behave closer to Civ V
- Local mod folder names preserved for strangely-named mods
- modding: Better unique warnings

By SeventhM:
- Fixed behaviour for units that can move on water
- Fix: Resources with the same source subtract correctly
- Fix: Free buildings from other buildings show up correctly

Fix: Spectator can see all invisible units - By tuvus

Fix: Better Fog Busting AI - By itanasi
Whats new in Unciv 4.7.10 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
BaseUnit unique-finding always takes Type uniques into account

Automated AI workers now replace forts - By tuvus

Fix issues when adding/removing buildings - By SeventhM

NotificationAction compatibility patch - By SomeTroglodyte

Text correction for Ottomans war declaration - By LenaBullens
Whats new in Unciv 4.7.9-patch1 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
BaseUnit unique-finding always takes Type uniques into account

Automated AI workers now replace forts - By tuvus

Fix issues when adding/removing buildings - By SeventhM

NotificationAction compatibility patch - By SomeTroglodyte

Text correction for Ottomans war declaration - By LenaBullens
Whats new in Unciv 4.7.9 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Minor memory improvement

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Little Promotion UX improvements
- Modding: Better unique-to-object compliance testing

By SeventhM:
- Fix issues from gaining free beliefs
- Fix issues when transferring capitals
- Avoid built buildings
Whats new in Unciv 4.7.3 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Linked Unit Types and Promotions in Civilopedia

Added new unique - Automatically built in all cities where it is buildable

By SeventhM:
- Added unique May travel on Water tiles without embarking
- Change the default cost of buildings and the default time of tile improvements

By xlenstra:
- Spies now occasionally steal technologies
- Spies in cities that are captured or destroyed now go to the hideout

Better mod conflict prevention - By SomeTroglodyte
Whats new in Unciv 4.7.2 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Linked Unit Types and Promotions in Civilopedia

Added new unique - Automatically built in all cities where it is buildable

By SeventhM:
- Added unique May travel on Water tiles without embarking
- Change the default cost of buildings and the default time of tile improvements

By xlenstra:
- Spies now occasionally steal technologies
- Spies in cities that are captured or destroyed now go to the hideout

Better mod conflict prevention - By SomeTroglodyte
Whats new in Unciv 4.6.19 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
- before adopting / after adopting conditionals accept beliefs
- 'Transform' and 'double movement' uniques accept conditionals
- AI evaluation of BuyItemsDiscount no longer crashes

'random generated map type' is actually random

By WhoIsJohannes:
- Show line color in more cases
- AI aircraft only consider *visible* attackable enemies
By SomeTroglodyte:
- Fixed Hakkapeliitta ability
- Fix translated sorting
- Fix 'missing mod' display

Pantheon Mod fix - By SeventhM
Whats new in Unciv 4.6.18-patch1 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
- before adopting / after adopting conditionals accept beliefs
- 'Transform' and 'double movement' uniques accept conditionals
- AI evaluation of BuyItemsDiscount no longer crashes

'random generated map type' is actually random

By WhoIsJohannes:
- Show line color in more cases
- AI aircraft only consider *visible* attackable enemies
By SomeTroglodyte:
- Fixed Hakkapeliitta ability
- Fix translated sorting
- Fix 'missing mod' display

Pantheon Mod fix - By SeventhM
Whats new in Unciv 4.5.16-patch1 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
- before adopting / after adopting conditionals accept beliefs
- 'Transform' and 'double movement' uniques accept conditionals
- AI evaluation of BuyItemsDiscount no longer crashes

'random generated map type' is actually random

By WhoIsJohannes:
- Show line color in more cases
- AI aircraft only consider *visible* attackable enemies
By SomeTroglodyte:
- Fixed Hakkapeliitta ability
- Fix translated sorting
- Fix 'missing mod' display

Pantheon Mod fix - By SeventhM
Whats new in Unciv 4.5.15 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
- before adopting / after adopting conditionals accept beliefs
- 'Transform' and 'double movement' uniques accept conditionals
- AI evaluation of BuyItemsDiscount no longer crashes

'random generated map type' is actually random

By WhoIsJohannes:
- Show line color in more cases
- AI aircraft only consider *visible* attackable enemies
By SomeTroglodyte:
- Fixed Hakkapeliitta ability
- Fix translated sorting
- Fix 'missing mod' display

Pantheon Mod fix - By SeventhM
Whats new in Unciv 4.5.4 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Fixed endless loop for mod checker

Modding: global alert available as triggerable for all objects

Better order of unit actions

Better checks for when units are purchasable

Fixed flanking bonus calculation when attacking unit is not adjacent to enemy

Automated workers do not remove Forest tiles for Camp improvements

Fix ExploredRegion rectangular maps support + Zoomout flicker prevention reworked - By Gualdimar

Make Borderless display option translatable - By Ouaz
Whats new in Unciv 4.4.17 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Added Undo button for unit moves!

Better trade screen for portrait mode

Gift trades to AI civs make them more friendly towards you

Add improvement action image to workers actively building improvement

Replace settlers with modded worker-like units in mods

Removed zoom limit for world-wrap maps - By Gualdimar
Whats new in Unciv 4.3.18 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Units are not displaced to enemy land when kicked out of borders

Fixed edge-case crash - one city challenge when conquering capital and enemy has only puppeted cities left

UI: Better unit table

Fix Faith tutorial text

By vegeta1k95:
- Rework of PromotionPicker UI
- Fix City plates aircraft table shape
- Better visibility for city status icons

By nacro711072:
- Refactor maptype & resolve map setting issue
- update screen after disband unit
Whats new in Unciv 4.3.6-patch1 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Units are not displaced to enemy land when kicked out of borders

Fixed edge-case crash - one city challenge when conquering capital and enemy has only puppeted cities left

UI: Better unit table

Fix Faith tutorial text

By vegeta1k95:
- Rework of PromotionPicker UI
- Fix City plates aircraft table shape
- Better visibility for city status icons

By nacro711072:
- Refactor maptype & resolve map setting issue
- update screen after disband unit
Whats new in Unciv 4.2.16 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Automated workers no longer improve unworkable tiles

Improved construction AI choices

By nacro711072:
- fix wrong glyph when switch between different mod.
- Fixed another memory leak
- check whether the city has been a puppet in Pick construction action.
Whats new in Unciv 4.1.20 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Can no longer receive negative gold offers from AI

Keep progress in notification scroll when updating

Gray out city state friend bonus when allied - By Azzurite

By OptimizedForDensity:
- Minor reweight of AI policy selection
- Stop transported units from being able to pillage tiles

Fix getting settlers from ancient ruins on one-city challenge - By MindaugasRumsa51
Whats new in Unciv 4.1.18 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Fix multiple capture uniques resulting in double-capture

Resolved ANRs caused by fonts taking too long to load

By OptimizedForDensity:
- Fixed image problems in combat
- Stop automate production setting from affecting other players' production in MP
- Sort game speeds in Civilopedia by speed
- Fix monastery purchase cost

Remove double XP gain from Intercept - By itanasi

Multiplayer options UI fix - By Azzurite
Whats new in Unciv 4.0.6 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Got rid of ANRs from multiple sources

Performance improvements, including framerate

Improved continuous rendering's framerate, to solve some ANRs

Discord suggestion - have allied city states see all tiles of their ally, so they can support them militarily

MusicController improvements - By SomeTroglodyte

Fixed a bug where production would not be retained when changing from an obsolete unit to its upgraded unique unit - By xlenstra
Whats new in Unciv 3.19.4 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Caught more mod failure conditions, removed certain assumptions from map creation

Unique replacement warnings show the correct replacement with filled parameters

By xlenstra:
- Fixed a bug where unit discounts would not work
- Fixed a crash when opening and closing the options menu in quick succession

Fix art for farms on hills - By SpacedOutChicken
Whats new in Unciv 3.18.13 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Stat names also include the stat icon :)

Better map-to-ruleset incompatibility checks

'tile to expand to' choice incorporates city-specific bonuses

Fixed a ton of very rare, but crashing, edge-case bugs

By will-ca:
- Save attacks per civ for arrows for cities, missiles, dead units.
- Solved 'white blocks' on default tileset.

By xlenstra:
- Fixed a rare diplomacy voting bug in one-more-turn mode
- Fixed a few combat bugs and changed the religions founded label
Whats new in Unciv 3.18.10-patch1 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Stat names also include the stat icon :)

Better map-to-ruleset incompatibility checks

'tile to expand to' choice incorporates city-specific bonuses

Fixed a ton of very rare, but crashing, edge-case bugs

By will-ca:
- Save attacks per civ for arrows for cities, missiles, dead units.
- Solved 'white blocks' on default tileset.

By xlenstra:
- Fixed a rare diplomacy voting bug in one-more-turn mode
- Fixed a few combat bugs and changed the religions founded label
Whats new in Unciv 3.18.7 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Stat names also include the stat icon :)

Better map-to-ruleset incompatibility checks

'tile to expand to' choice incorporates city-specific bonuses

Fixed a ton of very rare, but crashing, edge-case bugs

By will-ca:
- Save attacks per civ for arrows for cities, missiles, dead units.
- Solved 'white blocks' on default tileset.

By xlenstra:
- Fixed a rare diplomacy voting bug in one-more-turn mode
- Fixed a few combat bugs and changed the religions founded label
Whats new in Unciv 3.18.5-patch1 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Stat names also include the stat icon :)

Better map-to-ruleset incompatibility checks

'tile to expand to' choice incorporates city-specific bonuses

Fixed a ton of very rare, but crashing, edge-case bugs

By will-ca:
- Save attacks per civ for arrows for cities, missiles, dead units.
- Solved 'white blocks' on default tileset.

By xlenstra:
- Fixed a rare diplomacy voting bug in one-more-turn mode
- Fixed a few combat bugs and changed the religions founded label
Whats new in Unciv 3.18.4 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Can safely convert maps between rulesets!

Policy screen keeps scroll position when adding new policy

Cannot add 2 of the same buildings to the queue visually

Viewable tiles update after capturing city

AI won't declare war at the very beginning of games for little reason

Exiting Civilopedia always brings you o the previous screen
Whats new in Unciv 3.18.2 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Pre-solved potential bugs

Fixed tileset config conflicts between mods

Fixed crashing music bug

Caught out of memory errors when updating tiles with a catch-all popup

Performance improvements, should help mitigate existing ANRs

Resolved crashes in game options table when changing base ruleset before the mod list was defined

Fixed a crash when changing the base ruleset while in portrait mode - By xlenstra
Whats new in Unciv 3.17.15 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Large performance boosts

Solved ANRs caused by slow quickstarts

Fixed music download error

Show notification to cycle through visible resources when clicking on resource icon in Resource Overview. - By will-ca

By xlenstra:
- Reworked buying buildings & units with stats a bit
- Fixed a bug where hagia sophia could be build in non-faith games

Made rich presence text not change with language - By logicminimal
Whats new in Unciv 3.17.14 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Large performance boosts

Solved ANRs caused by slow quickstarts

Fixed music download error

Show notification to cycle through visible resources when clicking on resource icon in Resource Overview. - By will-ca

By xlenstra:
- Reworked buying buildings & units with stats a bit
- Fixed a bug where hagia sophia could be build in non-faith games

Made rich presence text not change with language - By logicminimal
Whats new in Unciv 3.17.13 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Show construction icons in Cities Overview. - By will-ca

Remove Discord RPC checks for unsuitable devices - By asda488

Allow unit movement after unit automation steps

By SimonCeder:
Whats new in Unciv 3.17.4 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
By SimonCeder:
- Barbarian spawning and camp placements
- Fixed Fountain of Youth

By xlenstra:
- Added default values for supply to fix almost all mods being broken
- Fixed bugs with pentagon, mandate of heaven, and fallout
- Added icons to resource trades & war declarations

By SomeTroglodyte:
- The Celtic People Rebooted
- Music moddability and visual improvements

Add looping minimap viewport if worldwrap enabled - By Thyrum
Whats new in Unciv 3.16.15 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Fixed crashes when mod had religion but no great prophet

Can no longer fast-tap to confuse policy/construction screens

By xlenstra:
- Fixed some bugs
- Fix Civil Society policy
- Wrote an extensive tutorial documenting most of religion

By SimonCeder:
- Proper pledge to protect implementation
- Unique units from Militaristic city states
- Icons for city states

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Fixed crash with no-barbarian mods
- Fix era notification
- Mod manager portrait and auto scroll
Whats new in Unciv 3.16.14 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Fixed crashes when mod had religion but no great prophet

Can no longer fast-tap to confuse policy/construction screens

By xlenstra:
- Fixed some bugs
- Fix Civil Society policy
- Wrote an extensive tutorial documenting most of religion

By SimonCeder:
- Proper pledge to protect implementation
- Unique units from Militaristic city states
- Icons for city states

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Fixed crash with no-barbarian mods
- Fix era notification
- Mod manager portrait and auto scroll
Whats new in Unciv 3.16.4-patch2 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
A test to ensure that publishing new versions to Google Play works properly
Whats new in Unciv 3.16.1 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
By xlenstra:
- Added missionairy units, which can spread religion and bought with faith
- Replaced the last promotion effects with uniques
- Removed $ signs from translatable strings

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Bring `allUnitActionsHaveTranslation` test up to date
- Change defeat conditions

By ravignir:
- Minor fix to Great Prophets cost not increasing
Whats new in Unciv 3.15.18 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
By xlenstra:
- Added missionairy units, which can spread religion and bought with faith
- Replaced the last promotion effects with uniques
- Removed $ signs from translatable strings

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Bring `allUnitActionsHaveTranslation` test up to date
- Change defeat conditions

By ravignir:
- Minor fix to Great Prophets cost not increasing
Whats new in Unciv 3.15.17 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
By xlenstra:
- Added missionairy units, which can spread religion and bought with faith
- Replaced the last promotion effects with uniques
- Removed $ signs from translatable strings

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Bring `allUnitActionsHaveTranslation` test up to date
- Change defeat conditions

By ravignir:
- Minor fix to Great Prophets cost not increasing
Whats new in Unciv 3.9.9 for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Civ is properly destroyed when liberating the last city of the civ

Replaced units are not shown in tech button even when replacing unique unit is in a different tech

Fixed main menu crash when returning from certain modded games

Resolved #2794 - Save games and maps cannot have slashes/backslashes

By alkorolyov:
- Basic spectator functionality - POC
- Console mode for multiple game automation - POC

Added an installation problem solution on Ubuntu - By illantalex
Description of Unciv
An open-source reimplementation of the most famous civilization-building game ever - fast, small, no ads, free forever!

Build your civilization, research technologies, expand your cities and defeat your foes!

Requests? Bugs? Want to help development? Todo list for the application is https://github.com/yairm210/Unciv/issues

Questions? Comments? Join us on discord at https://discord.gg/bjrB4Xw ;)

Want to help translating the game into your language? See https://yairm210.github.io/Unciv/Other/Translating/

The world awaits! Will you build your civilization into an empire that will stand the test of time?

* Internet permissions required for Multiplayer
Video and Screenshosts of Unciv

Other Unciv APK versions for Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro
Unciv 4.11.12
22.71 MB
Unciv 4.11.11
22.71 MB
Unciv 4.11.10
22.71 MB
Unciv 4.11.9
22.68 MB
Unciv 4.11.8
22.68 MB
Unciv 4.11.7-patch1
22.68 MB
Unciv 4.11.7
22.68 MB
Unciv 4.11.6
22.66 MB
Unciv 4.11.4
22.63 MB
Unciv 4.11.1
22.59 MB
Unciv 4.10.22
22.57 MB
Unciv 4.10.21
22.57 MB
Unciv 4.10.20
22.57 MB
Unciv 4.10.19
22.55 MB
Unciv 4.10.18
22.55 MB
Unciv 4.10.17-patch1
22.53 MB
Unciv 4.10.16
22.43 MB
Unciv 4.10.15
22.42 MB
Unciv 4.10.12
22.41 MB
Unciv 4.10.7
22.36 MB
Unciv 4.10.5
22.35 MB
Unciv 4.10.4
22.36 MB
Unciv 4.10.3-patch1
22.34 MB
Unciv 4.9.18
21.89 MB
Unciv 4.9.17-patch2
21.89 MB
Unciv 4.9.15
21.87 MB
Unciv 4.9.14
21.87 MB
Unciv 4.9.12
21.86 MB
Unciv 4.9.10-patch1
21.91 MB
Unciv 4.9.6
21.8 MB
Unciv 4.9.5
21.85 MB
Unciv 4.8.15
21.42 MB
Unciv 4.8.12
21.4 MB
Unciv 4.8.8
21.39 MB
Unciv 4.8.5
21.35 MB
Unciv 4.8.3
21.33 MB
Unciv 4.8.2
21.12 MB
Unciv 4.7.17-patch1
20.94 MB
Unciv 4.7.16
20.94 MB
Unciv 4.7.13
20.88 MB
Unciv 4.7.11
20.87 MB
Unciv 4.7.10
20.87 MB
Unciv 4.7.9-patch1
20.86 MB
Unciv 4.7.9
20.86 MB
Unciv 4.7.3
20.8 MB
Unciv 4.7.2
20.78 MB
Unciv 4.6.19
19.62 MB
Unciv 4.6.18-patch1
19.62 MB
Unciv 4.5.16-patch1
19.39 MB
Unciv 4.5.15
19.38 MB
Unciv 4.5.4
19.26 MB
Unciv 4.4.17
19.13 MB
Unciv 4.3.18
18.74 MB
Unciv 4.3.6-patch1
18.74 MB
Unciv 4.2.16
18.35 MB
UnCiv 4.1.20
14.41 MB
UnCiv 4.1.18
14.41 MB
UnCiv 4.0.6
10.81 MB
UnCiv 3.19.4
10.61 MB
UnCiv 3.18.13
10.6 MB
UnCiv 3.18.10-patch1
10.56 MB
UnCiv 3.18.7
10.24 MB
UnCiv 3.18.5-patch1
2 variants
UnCiv 3.18.5-patch1
2 variants
UnCiv 3.18.5-patch1 (650)
10.23 MB
UnCiv 3.18.5-patch1 (650)
10.22 MB
UnCiv 3.18.4
2 variants
UnCiv 3.18.4
2 variants
UnCiv 3.18.4 (648)
10.22 MB
UnCiv 3.18.4 (648)
10.21 MB
UnCiv 3.18.2
3 variants
UnCiv 3.18.2
3 variants
UnCiv 3.18.2 (646)
10.22 MB
UnCiv 3.18.2 (646)
10.21 MB
UnCiv 3.18.2 (646)
10.2 MB
UnCiv 3.17.15
10.1 MB
UnCiv 3.17.14
2 variants
UnCiv 3.17.14
2 variants
UnCiv 3.17.14 (643)
10.09 MB
UnCiv 3.17.14 (643)
10.08 MB
UnCiv 3.17.13
3 variants
UnCiv 3.17.13
3 variants
UnCiv 3.17.13 (642)
10.09 MB
UnCiv 3.17.13 (642)
10.08 MB
UnCiv 3.17.13 (642)
10.07 MB
UnCiv 3.17.4
3 variants
UnCiv 3.17.4
3 variants
UnCiv 3.17.4 (633)
9.76 MB
UnCiv 3.17.4 (633)
9.78 MB
UnCiv 3.17.4 (633)
9.77 MB
UnCiv 3.16.15
9.51 MB
UnCiv 3.16.14
2 variants
UnCiv 3.16.14
2 variants
UnCiv 3.16.14 (624)
9.5 MB
UnCiv 3.16.14 (624)
9.49 MB
UnCiv 3.16.4-patch2
3 variants
UnCiv 3.16.4-patch2
3 variants
UnCiv 3.16.4-patch2 (609)
8.89 MB
UnCiv 3.16.4-patch2 (609)
8.88 MB
UnCiv 3.16.4-patch2 (609)
8.87 MB
UnCiv 3.16.1
3 variants
UnCiv 3.16.1
3 variants
UnCiv 3.16.1 (603)
9.18 MB
UnCiv 3.16.1 (603)
9.16 MB
UnCiv 3.16.1 (603)
9.19 MB
UnCiv 3.15.18
9.14 MB
UnCiv 3.15.17
2 variants
UnCiv 3.15.17
2 variants
UnCiv 3.15.17 (599)
9.13 MB
UnCiv 3.15.17 (599)
9.11 MB
UnCiv 3.9.9
6 MB

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